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AMMO MIG - How to Paint Miniatures for Wargames (English), 6285

  • AMMO MIG - How to Paint Miniatures for Wargames (English), 6285

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  • The AMMO MIG - How to Paint Miniatures for Wargames book is divided into two sections. The first are tutorials covering all of the steps that must be followed to paint a miniature, from cleaning and preparation to the different ways of painting the subject and finishing the base. 

    The second part is made up of a series of masterclasses by internationally renowned wargame figure painters such as the great Forge World painter Giuseppe Chiafele, and the renowned historical painters David Imrie and George Hatzopoulos, as well as other great army painters such as Iván Sanz or Omar Olabi. The aim of these master classes is to show how an experienced painter approaches painting from the preparation of the figures to applying the final details, by walking you through a series of step-by-step guides - in order to discover the personal style and techniques of each author.

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