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AMMO MIG - IN COMBAT 3 - FUTURE WARS (English), 6086

  • AMMO MIG - IN COMBAT 3 - FUTURE WARS (English), 6086

    Артикул: AMIG6086
  • In Combat 3: Future Wars is the third installment of the In Combat book collection dedicated to painting and weathering Mechas.

    In this new addition to the In Combat series, you will continue to enjoy the painting and weathering work done by the best Mecha modellers in the world. The authors will show you how to create effects and use techniques with different levels of difficulty and weathering, so you will be able to choose the difficulty level and amount of weathering that best suits your preferences. From simple effects and clean finishes with little wear and tear to techniques adequate to represent more intense and elaborate weathering effects, including the effects of battle-hardened Mechas, veterans of many battlefields.

    The book also includes sections explaining how to make a scenic base or small scenes to set your Mechas in context. Here you will learn various useful techniques used to create your own dynamic scenes.

    An essential work for all Mecha lovers who want to achieve a higher level of authenticity to their models. 

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