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AMMO MIG - The Battle of KURSK (English), 6277

  • AMMO MIG - The Battle of KURSK (English), 6277

    Артикул: AMIG6277
  •  The Battle of Kursk was a key World War II battle between the forces of Germany and the Soviet Union in the Kursk area during the summer of 1943. It was the largest armoured battle in history, involving hundreds of thousands of soldiers and thousands of armoured vehicles. The German offensive Operation Citadel was halted by tenacious Soviet resistance and their superior numbers. This battle marked a turning point in the conflict, beginning the steady retreat of the German forces on the Eastern Front, with the strategic initiative passing to the Soviets for the remainder of the war.

    This book combines the historical account with period photos, as well as a large number of full-colour profiles of soft-skins and armoured vehicles used by both sides. Learn all the details about this battle with accurate, verified data, extracted from the official German war records preserved in the Bundesarchiv. A limited edition essential for Second World War enthusiasts. 

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