Rules of purchase

  • 1. General provisions
    1.1. The following rules of purchase of articles (hereinafter – Rules) are a legal document that is obligatory to the Parties and sets the rights, duties and responsibility of the Buyer and the Vendor when the Buyer obtains articles in the e-shop.
    1.2. The Vendor reserves a right to change, correct or supplement the rules any time taking into account the requirements set out in the legal acts. The Buyer is informed about the changes in the website of the e-shop. When the Buyer buys in the e-shop, the Rules that are valid at the moment of the order submission are applied.
    1.3. To buy in the e-shop the person should be:
    1.3.1. legally capable to buy, i.e., the persons legal capacity should not be restricted in the judicial order;
    1.3.2. Minors aged 14-18-year can only buy at the e-shop with the permission of their parents or foster-parents except the cases when they dispose of their income independently;
    1.3.3. legal entities;
    1.3.4. authorized representatives of the above-mentioned persons.
    1.4. By confirming the rules, the Vendor also ensures the Buyer is entitled to buy articles in the e-shop in accordance with clause 1.3 of the rules.
    1.5. The contract between the Buyer and the Vendor is considered concluded since the moment the Buyer adds articles to the basket in the e-shop, indicates the address of delivery, chooses the way of payment, familiarizes with the rules set out by the Vendor and clicks the button „Confirm“ to confirm the order (see clause 5 „Order of articles, prices, order and terms of payment“).
    1.6. Every contract concluded between the Buyer and the Vendor is stored in the e-shop.

    2. Protection of personal data
    2.1. The Buyer can order articles in the e-shop in the following ways:
    2.1.1. with registration in the e-shop and entering the data asked upon registration;
    2.1.2. without registration in the e-shop.
    2.2. When the Buyer orders articles in the ways foreseen in clause 2.1 of the rules, he/she shall indicate the personal data of the Buyer that is obligatory for proper execution of the order of articles in appropriate information fields provided by the Vendor: first name, surname, address of delivery of articles, phone number and e-mail address.
    2.3. By confirming acceptance to these rules, the Buyer agrees the personal data of the Buyer provided in clause 2.2 will be managed in the e-shop for the goals of the sale of articles and services, the analysis of the Vendor’s activity and direct marketing.
    2.4. As the Buyer agrees to the rules, the personal data of the Buyer will be managed for the goal of the sale of articles and services in the e-shop of the Vendor. The Buyer also agrees to receive information via e-mail address and phone number indicated by the Buyer messages, which are obligatory for the execution of the order of articles.
    2.5. By logging on the e-shop and ordering articles, the Buyer is obligated to save the logging data and not to disclose it to anybody.

    3. Rights and obligations of the Buyer
    3.1. The Buyer is entitled to buy articles in the e-shop in the order that is set out these rules and other information sections of this e-shop.
    3.2. The Buyer is entitled to refuse of the contract of the purchase of articles with the e-shop by informing the Vendor about it in writing (by e-mail by indicating the article he/she would like to return and the order number and attaching the standard article refusal form) not later than within 14 (fourteen) workdays since the day of delivery of the article except the cases when the contract cannot be refused in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania (Article 6.22810 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania). The Buyer covers the costs of delivery and return of the article except the cases when a faulty article is returned – in this case, the costs of delivery and return are covered by the Vendor. The Buyer covers the costs of delivery of the article and the costs of return of the article and the Vendor makes sure the article was returned because of poor quality and returns the costs of delivery and return of the article as well as amount paid for the article to the Buyer.
    3.3. The Buyer can use the right foreseen in clause 3.2 of the rules in the following cases only: the article was not damaged; its looks did not change essentially and it was not used.
    3.4. The Buyer is obligated to accept the ordered articles and pay the agreed price.
    3.5. In case the data provided by the Buyer in the registration form changes, the Buyer shall renew it immediately.
    3.6. The Buyer obligates not to transfer its logging data to any third parties. In case the Buyer loses the logging data, it shall inform the Vendor about it immediately by using the means of communication indicated in the section „Contacts“.
    3.7. By using the e-shop, the Buyer agrees with the present Rules of purchase and obligates to observe them and not to violate any legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

    4. Rights and obligations of the Vendor
    4.1. The Vendor is obligated to create all conditions for the Buyer to use the services provided by the e-shop properly.
    4.2. In case the Buyer tries to harm the stability and safety of work of the e-shop of the Vendor or violates his/her obligations, the Vendor is entitled to restrict or suspend the possibility of the Buyer to use the e-shop immediately and without prior notification or annul the registration of the Buyer in exceptional cases.
    4.3. The Vendor obligates to respect the right of the Buyer’s privacy to the personal information indicated by the Buyer in the registration form of the e-shop.
    4.4. The Vendor obligates to deliver the articles ordered by the Buyer to the address indicated by the Buyer.

    5. Order of articles, prices, order and terms of payment
    5.1. The Buyer is entitled to buy in the shop 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
    5.2. The contract comes into force since the moment the Buyer clicks the button „Confirm“ to confirm the order and the Vendor that gets the order confirms it – sends a letter of confirmation to the e-mail indicated by the Buyer.
    5.3. The prices of articles in the e-shop and in the formed order are indicated in euro including VAT.
    5.4. The Buyer pays for the articles in one of the following ways:
    5.4.1. payment by using e-banking – it is an advance payment by using the e-banking used by the Buyer. In case the Buyer wants to use this form of payment, he/she shall have signed the e-banking contract with one of the banks below: SEB Bank; AB „Swedbank“; „Luminor“ Bank, Paysera. The Buyer transfers money to the account of the e-shop. In this case, the liability for the safety of data falls to the appropriate bank because all financial transactions are performed in the e-banking system of that bank.
    5.4.2. payment by using the bank transfer – it is an advance payment when the Buyer prints the order, goes to the nearest bank division and transfers money to the bank account of the e-shop.
    5.5. The Buyer is obligated to pay for the articles immediately. The formation of the parcel of articles starts and the term of delivery of articles is calculated after getting the payment for the articles only.

    6. Delivery of articles
    6.1. The Buyer who has chosen the article delivery service is obligated to indicate the exact address of delivery of articles.
    6.2. The Buyer is obligated to accept the articles personally. In case the Buyer is unable to accept the articles personally at the indicated address, the Buyer is not entitled to express any claims to the Vendor for the delivery of articles to a wrong subject.
    6.3. The articles are delivered by the Vendor or authorized representative of the Vendor (courier).
    6.4. The Vendor delivers the articles to the Buyer taking into account the terms indicated in the descriptions of articles. These terms are preliminary; moreover, they are not applied in case there are no necessary articles in stock of the Vendor and the Buyer is informed about the lack of ordered articles. The Buyer also agrees the delivery of articles can be delayed in exceptional cases in relation with the circumstances that do not depend on the Vendor. In this case, the Vendor obligates to contact the Buyer immediately and coordinate the conditions of delivery of articles.
    6.5. In all cases, the Vendor is exempted from the liability for the violation of terms of delivery in case the articles are not delivered to the Buyer or delivered timelessly for the Buyer’s fault or for the circumstances that do not depend on the Vendor.
    6.6. The Buyer shall always inform the Vendor immediately in case the parcel is delivered in a battered or damaged package, the non-ordered articles or an improper quantity of articles are delivered in the parcel or the set of articles is incomplete.
    6.7. In case the Buyer notices any damage to the package on the delivery, he/she shall always indicate notes in the parcel delivery document provided by the courier or write a separate act on this damage. The Buyer shall do it in the participation of the courier. Unless the Buyer performs these acts, the Vendor is exempted from the liability to the Buyer for the damage to the articles related with the damage to the package that was not indicated by the Buyer in the article delivery document provided by the courier.

    7. Warranties of quality of articles
    7.1. The data of every article sold in the e-shop is indicated in the description of the article attached to every article.
    7.2. The Vendor is not liable for the fact that the colour, shape or other parameters of articles from the e-shop can be incompliant with the real size, shape and colour of articles in relation with the properties of the monitor used by the Buyer.
    7.3. The Buyer provides the warranty of quality to certain types of articles for a certain period and the specific term and other conditions are indicated in the descriptions of these articles.
    7.4. Unless the Vendor provides the warranty of quality to certain types of articles, the warranty foreseen in the appropriate legal acts is valid.

    8. Return and replacement of articles
    8.1. The defects of sold articles are eliminated and faulty articles are replaced and returned in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. The money for returned articles is always transferred to the bank account of the payer.
    8.2. The Buyer is entitled to refuse of the contract on the purchase of articles with the e-shop by informing the Vendor about it in writing (by e-mail by indicating the article he/she would like to return and the order number and attaching the standard article refusal form) not later than within 14 (fourteen) workdays since the day of delivery of the article except the cases when the contract cannot be refused in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania (Article 6.22810 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania). The Buyer covers the costs of delivery and return of the article except the cases when a non-qualitative article is returned – in this case, the costs of delivery and return are covered by the Vendor. The Buyer covers the costs of delivery and return of the article and the Vendor after inspecting if the article is of poor quality transfers back the costs of delivery and return of the article as well as the amount paid for the article to the Buyer.
    8.3. When the Buyer returns articles, he/she shall observe the following provisions:
    8.3.1. the returned article shall be in the tidy original package;
    8.3.2. the article cannot be damaged by the Buyer;
    8.3.3. the article shall be unused and it cannot lose the commercial looks (the labels cannot be damaged; the protective films cannot be torn away, etc.) (this clause is not applied in case of returning a faulty article);
    8.3.4. the returned article shall be in the same set as it was purchased by the Buyer;
    8.3.5. when the article is returned, it is obligatory to submit the purchase document.
    8.4. The Vendor is entitled not to accept the articles returned by the Buyer unless the Buyer observes the order of return of articles set out in article 8.3.
    8.5. On returning a wrong article and/or a faulty article, the Vendor obligates to accept these articles and replace them with identical suitable ones.
    8.6. Unless the Vendor has some articles for the replacement, the paid amount excluding the delivery price is returned to the Buyer.

    9. Liability of the Buyer and the Vendor
    9.1. The Buyer is absolutely liable for the correctness of the personal data provided by the Buyer. Unless the Buyer provides correct personal data in the registration form, the Vendor is not liable for the consequences and obtains a right to request the Buyer to compensate any direct losses.
    9.2. The Buyer is liable for the acts performed when using this e-shop.
    9.3. After the Buyer logs on, he/she is liable for the transfer of the logging data to third parties. In case the services provided by the e-shop are used by a third party that logs on the e-shop with the logging data of the Buyer, the Vendor considers this person the Buyer.
    9.4. The Vendor is exempted from the liability in case there are any losses because the Buyer does not take into account the recommendations of the Vendor and obligations of the Buyer and does not familiarize with these Rules although he/she had a possibility to do so.
    9.5. In case there are links to the websites of other companies, institutions, organizations or persons in the e-shop of the Vendor, the Vendor is not liable for their information or activity, does not supervise or control these websites and does not represent these companies and persons.
    9.6. In case of any damage, the guilty Party compensates any direct losses to the other Party.

    10. Marketing and information
    10.1. The Vendor can initiate various discounts in the e-shop at one’s own discretion.
    10.2. The Vendor is entitled to change the conditions of discounts ex-parte and without prior notification or annul them. Any changing or annulment of the conditions and order of discounts is only valid forward i.e., since the moment of execution.
    10.3. The Vendor sends all notifications by using the means of communication indicated in the registration form of the Buyer.
    10.4. The Buyer sends all notifications and questions to the phone numbers and e-mail addresses indicated in the section of the Vendor’s e-shop „Contacts“.
    10.5. The Vendor is not liable in case the Buyer does not receive any sent information or confirmation notifications due to failures of the online connection or networks of e-mail service providers.

    11. Final provisions
    11.1. The present Rules of purchase-sale of articles were compiled in accordance with the legislation and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
    11.2. All disputes related with the execution of these Rules are solved in the negotiations. Unless an agreement is reached, the disputes are solved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.